About the monkey at the typewriter

A fool with a dream who could never put a book down, now trying to write his own stories and share them with you, if you should wish.

Why should you subscribe?

Bored of the same old franchises? Movies too expensive? Books a little too long for your hectic schedule?

Well, here I write something new twice each week, around 1000 words or less (5ish minute reads) and will email them straight to you, at no cost.

No Spam

I'll only ever regularly email twice a week, and only with the story written inside with a voiceover attached, to keep your inbox a little less cluttered, and a good story, our priority.

Support someone at their start

I am a new writer, exploring an interest I had forgotten about in the hustle and bustle of my own life.

Your support and feedback, through comments, likes, shares, subscribing, or even unsubscribing, will help me to improve and entertain you and others better and better each week.

Let’s see what the future can bring.

Subscribe to NMBR Stories

Hello, and welcome to my little corner on the web. I write stories (~1000 words or less), primarily sci-fi/fantasy, often with a dour tone. If that appeals, look around, I'm sure I've something to your liking. Currently, no images here are mine.


A nerd with a keyboard and too many words in his head.