Hey all,
So, as you've all likely noticed, I've been putting out fewer stories and being less punctual on my posts. Regarding BTS, I've also been writing less in general. Frankly, getting more than a hundred words out has been troublesome. I suspect this is a small measure of burnout after a full 52 weeks straight writing 71 stories, plus writing and redrafting a manuscript, of which two of my non-Ironage stories are set in the world of that manuscript.
So, I think I'll take a brief sabbatical until at least August 28th, possibly as late as September 4th, to see if I can't re-up on inspiration from my book collection and get my words flowing freely again.
As Thor/his chat of @PirateSoftware (he's on YouTube and Twitter by that handle) put it, "If you can't output, input". In the meantime, I wish you all well, and I look forward to being back behind my keyboard and writing with gusto again soon.
Thank you, and happy reading.
Take your time, you deserve a break to refill your cup after a year of weekly posts. Your consistency is an inspiration to me, thank you.